Best Nail Trimming Tools for Chihuahuas
We’ve talked extensively about nail trimming on our blog. Nail trims are the most common type of grooming out there, especially for short hairs. If you plan to groom your…
A resource for grooming, training and care of your chihuahua.
We’ve talked extensively about nail trimming on our blog. Nail trims are the most common type of grooming out there, especially for short hairs. If you plan to groom your…
So, you’re madly in love with dogs and want to convince your parents to get you a chihuahua. Perhaps you’ve already asked, and the answer has been a hard no.…
Finally, a generic training guide for dogs that doesn’t leave me checking the date to see if it was written in medieval times. Zak George writes a clearly written and…
Picture courtesy of Alicia X. Bailey of Little Boogie, a dog with CH. Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH) is a condition caused by a portion of the brain called the Cerebellum not…
Picture courtesy of Alicia X. Bailey of Little Boogie, a dog with CH. Boogie Shoes is a darling chihuahua celebrity with a condition called Cerebellar Hypoplasia. CH is a condition…
We find most of our books at the local library, but Little Boogie Shoes found us in a different way. We are friends with the owner of this adorable little…
Forums are getting rarer and rarer as time goes on. Social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have largely taken over with their groups and lists. Although they provide…
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