Do Dental Sticks Help With Plaque Reduction?
Chihuahuas are particularly prone to dental disease. This means that part of owning a chihuahua is regular maintenance of their teeth, more so than other dogs. The gold standard for…
A resource for grooming, training and care of your chihuahua.
Chihuahuas are particularly prone to dental disease. This means that part of owning a chihuahua is regular maintenance of their teeth, more so than other dogs. The gold standard for…
We’ve all heard horror stories of pets getting loaded onto an airplane, only to be found deceased upon arrival. Although these stories tend to get sensationalized, about 2 million pets…
How Dogs Work is a cute, cartoonized encyclopedia covering everything from dog shows and world records to development and training issues. At 160 pages of mostly pictures, it’s not a…
When Angela lost her beloved chihuahua Tessa at the age of 17, her heart was empty. She wanted to find a new chihuahua, and she looked to a chihuahua adopting…
Last year, we wrote an article about the benefits of kennel training your chihuahua. Many people dislike the idea, viewing the kennel as something akin to a jail cell. It…
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